Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I learnt in horror from my cousin's update on Facebook that Vedic Village resort has been burnt down. However,as more and more details of what actually happened there emerged, my horror has turned into fascination, reading up in Kolkata newspapers about how the resort changed the lives of the poor villagers living around it, as some turned into owners of land-mafia syndicates, and ensured that other villagers parted with their land or paid for non-compliance through other means. I worry constantly that my state is becoming ungoverned and ungovernable. Greed, corruption and criminalisation will be the its final undoing. And no, Didi is certainly not the great big hope. If anything, her party has its own set of local thugs, who have built up their resistance to the Party, by studying very carefully about what made the Party stay on power for 30 years ( much of it by violence and intimidation) and then using the same techniques against the Party that invented them.


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